Quantum Leap for Young Adults is hosting an upcoming workshop, and you’re cordially invited.

Join us for an at-home Guide to Mega Growth for Young Adults!

Event Details

This is a two-hour online event for ages 18-28 with the opportunity for Tulsa-area students to apply for a $500 scholarship from Keys to the City.

July 24, 2020 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Hosted By: Jennie Wolek + Brittany Whinery

Are you looking for a way out of fear and uncertainty? Right now, the world is offering an opportunity for each of us to step up and be leaders—to forge a path toward a brighter future.

It starts with you focusing on your growth—putting your own oxygen mask on first. “Maximize Your Potential” is intended to help you do exactly that; to help you become a Waymaker.

A Waymaker is someone who:

  • Has a clear purpose
  • Finds a way in challenging times
  • Paves a path that others can follow
  • Steps up courageously and leads

Powered by the success materials found in Gary Keller’s Quantum Leap (QL), this learning experience is about understanding what matters most to you and utilizing proven models and tools to take action.

Choose to be a Waymaker for yourself and others. Let’s take action together!

Additionally, our non-profit, Keys to the City, will be providing two (2) $500 scholarships to students who attend this workshop!

Click here to reserve your spot!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help, and look forward to seeing you!