Empowering Single Moms at Lindsey House

In the heart of Tulsa, Oklahoma, lies a haven for single mothers facing homelessness. The Lindsey House offers more than just a roof over their heads; it empowers them to become successful leaders of their families.

This non-profit organization provides transitional housing for moms and their children. During their stay (1-2 years), they receive life-changing support, including:

  • Financial Literacy Training: Lindsey House equips moms with budgeting skills and helps them manage debt to achieve financial stability.
  • Safe, Comfortable Housing: Each family has their own apartment, fostering a sense of dignity and normalcy.
  • Community and Support: The Lindsey House provides a space for connection, with a common room for events and activities, a playground for kids, and on-site amenities like a laundry room and pantry.

More Than Shelter, It’s Hope

The Lindsey House understands that sometimes bad luck or lack of resources can lead a single mom to homelessness. Their focus is not just on providing temporary housing, but on equipping these women with the tools they need to thrive in the long run.

How You Can Help

The Lindsey House relies on the generosity of the community to continue their vital work. Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Donate: Visit their website (http://lindseyhouse.org ) to make a financial contribution.
  • Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to support the organization.
  • Spread the Word: Share their story with your friends and family to raise awareness.

Together, we can empower single mothers in Tulsa to build a brighter future for themselves and their families.