Market Update:

  • Interest rates are expected to remain stable in the short term, with a potential decrease towards the end of 2024 and into 2025.
  • Homebuyers are accepting current rates and moving forward with purchases rather than waiting for a significant decrease.

Tips for Homebuyers:

  • Get Pre-Qualified: Meet with a lender like Chris Padley to discuss your financial situation and determine which mortgage options are best for you.
  • Consider All Costs: Don’t just focus on the monthly payment. Factor in potential down payment needs and debt consolidation strategies.
  • Embrace the Local Advantage: Working with a local lender like Chris can expedite processes, especially when dealing with situations like storm damage and insurance claims.

Finding Chris Padley:

Visit Chris’ website at to learn more about his services and get in touch.

Additional Insights:

  • The recent changes in the industry are seen as an opportunity to raise professionalism within the real estate industry.
  • The housing market is expected to remain busy throughout the 2024 buying season.

By understanding current market trends and taking proactive steps, homebuyers can make informed decisions in this dynamic market.